OK here is the giveaway
I would promise you my first born...but I kinda like him, so I can't do that.
I am going to give you a generic resume and whoever comes up with the best idea of a job/career for me will win.
I have worked my entire life. I love to work and be around people...well nice people like you guys, not snotty bitches or leering men or screaming kids.
I want to be around normal people, or work from home would be great too cuz I need to smooch on Buddha at least every 20 minutes.
Here is what I have done so far:
Age 12....bussed tables
Age 15....cleaned the above bar and restaurant before I went to school
Age 16....breakfast cook at same restaurant
Age 16 married for the first time
Age 17....Quite school to go to work at a construction company, flagging for a pipeline that ran across the country
Age 18.....divorced..you seen that one coming right? Still flagging
Age 19....professional drinker and flagger
Age 20....flagger on I-70
Age 21....waitress
Age 21...carpet installer's helper, linoleum installer.
Age 22....painter of houses
Age 23....drywall finisher, more money than the painters
Age 28....decon washer. It was a federal job cleaning up mill tailings left behind from the Uranium mining many years earlier. Yes, Uranium is what killed my father...keep your fingers crossed for me.
Age 28-31...Safety Supervisor of job above.
Age 31...mommy, yes it ended the above career.
Age 32...mommy again...accckckkck
Age 35...started my own floral/greenhouse business, I don't do well with little crabby old ladies.
Age 39....Daycare provider...what was I thinking?
Age 40... Kindergarten Para-professional...again what the hell was I thinking?
Age 43...SAHM, Alpaca Madame, pooper picker upper, help hubby with office work, interior designer..cough.. and a devote Buddha lover.
Pretty scary huh?
I did get my GED in 1985 and I have done 2 years of college but I have yet to get an associate degree.
I'm a bit of an invalid. Because of my professional drinking career when I was 19...broke my knee skiing with a hangover. Three surgery's later I am a gimp.
My hands are getting arthritis from too many years of drywall work. So even though I still have all of my tools...I refuse to drywall.
My brain is broken from the kids (mine and other peoples).
Well hows that for an impossible task?
What kind of job/career should I pursue?
The BEST/favorite idea will receive a complete set of facial products from Skinlogics.
(...it was another one of my career choices gone bad. Last Christmas I was going to sell Skinlogics and have Spa Parties....sounds like fun huh? They even give away Mustangs to their top people! OH my...where do I sign? Only problem is that everyone and their sisters were doing the same thing around here...What I am trying to say is the stuff is fresh and not old.)
This set includes a facial scrub, moisturizer, cleansing gel, tonic and 1 oz of Regeneration tight, firm and fill cream.
This is the best selling package for Beauticontrol

The Second BEST/favorite idea will win the
Save your Sole set...it's yummy!
The Third BEST/favorite idea will win the
Creamy *Margarita* body lotion and Frozen *Margarita* foot cream
....this stuff will take you straight to the Bahama's...if only in your mind, just sayin...
And because I love you, I will throw in a jar of Herbal serenity aromatherapy instant manicure with this set. My favorite stuff :)
OK ladies and guys? Do I have any guys reading???
This is going to be hard because I have been home so long that I am afraid to go out and successfully get *that* job. I see stuff all the time and then I conveniently forget to go apply.
I am open to training/schooling for any thing that you come up with. As of today, I don't need a job for the money, but for my sanity.
If I only get one entry...you get it all, and I get to stay home and forget the whole deal...hahaha